Pacific Northwest Regional Interest Group (RIG)

Geothermal heat pump systems use 25%-50% less electricity than conventional heating or cooling systems.

RIG Champions: Ed Butler, Patrick Hansen

Welcome to the Pacific Northwest Regional Interest Group (PNW RIG) for Geothermal Rising! We are a
dynamic community dedicated to advancing geothermal energy across Oregon, Washington, and British
Columbia. Join us in exploring the potential of this sustainable energy source, sharing insights, and
fostering collaborations that drive innovation.

Donate to Pacific Northwest RIG

Membership is free, and by signing up, you'll connect with like-minded individuals, gain access to
exclusive resources, events, and networking opportunities, and contribute to the growth of geothermal
energy in our region. Discover more about how you can be a part of this exciting movement and help
shape a greener future for the Pacific Northwest.

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Geothermal Rising Pacific NW RIG Webinar February 20, 2025 @2PM PT

The PNW RIG is proud to be hosting Dr. Adam Schultz, President of Enthalpion Energy LLC and Professor of Geophysics at Oregon State University, who is a leading expert in geophysical imaging techniques for geothermal and volcanic systems. With decades of experience as a researcher, educator, and commercial survey contractor, he has led major scientific investigations across the western U.S., including in the Cascades, the Great Basin, and Yellowstone. His work has significantly advanced the use of high resolution wideband magnetotellurics (MT)—a method that measures natural electromagnetic signals to create 3D images of underground structures. These images help scientists locate geothermal resources, understand volcanic systems, and refine geothermal exploration strategies.  

Do not miss this opportunity 




Recent Activity
September 2024
Geothermal Rising Pacific NW Regional Interest Group Newsletter
Educating the public about geothermal energy is a key priority for our RIG. In September we participated in two public forums. Trenton Cladouhos, PhD, one of the founders of the PNW-RIG, moderated a panel discussion on Geothermal Energy hosted by the Clean Tech Alliance. The discussion centered on low-enthalpy solutions such as campus thermal networks.
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September 14, 2024
The PNW-RIG also participated in the 2024 Bainbridge Island Environmental Conference and Electrification Expo, attended by about 300 participants. We provided info on ground source heat pumps and on geothermal energy potential of the Pacific Northwest. Several individuals expressed interest in joining the RIG.
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Technology advantages are expanding
August PNW Steering Committee Meeting
The PNW-RIG Steering Committee, shown below from our August call, is planning in-person educational and networking events this fall.
RIG Meeting
June 20, 2024
2024 Clean Tech Alliance
The Pacific NW RIG’s booth at the 2024 CleanTech Alliance Innovation Showcase in Seattle provided a chance for us to engage with dozens of clean technology investors, entrepreneurs, and advocates. Geothermal energy is a topic that resonated with many of the attendees when they learned that the US is already the world’s largest producer of geothermal power and that “geothermal anywhere” is becoming increasingly viable. Representative Alex Ramel from Bellingham, pictured below with Ed Butler, was a key sponsor of the Washington Geothermal Resources Act of 2024 that promotes development of geothermal energy in WA. He visited our booth and shared his insights on environmentally responsible resource development.
Staffing our booth were Patrick Hanson, Trenton Cladouhos, and Ed Butler. Patrick lives in Tacoma and on the board of the International Geothermal Association and leads geothermal development for Expro, an energy services company. Trenton is a geoscientist based in Seattle, a Vice President with Quaise Energy, and a recognized expert in EGS and SuperHot Rock R&D. Ed is a technology commercialization advisor and geothermal community organizer.
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The CleanTech Alliance
The CleanTech Alliance is a non-profit representing over 1,100 member organizations in 17 US states and 4 Canadian provinces. The Innovation Showcase in Seattle drew 300 attendees from across the Northwest, many of whom signed up to join the PNW-RIG mailing list. We were able to introduce geothermal energy.
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Central Washington University is Utilizing Geothermal Technology as a Key Solution to Decarbonizing Campus
Central Washington University (CWU) is harnessing geothermal technology to meet our goals of reducing campus-wide greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030 and becoming a net-zero carbon campus no later than 2050. Construction is currently underway for CWU’s GeoEco Center and North Academic Complex (NAC), which will replace two energy-inefficient academic buildings constructed in the 1970s. Read the full BLOG by Jeff Bousson, CWU Sustainability Officer (07/15/2024)
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Events Schedule  

Coming Soon regional events including PNW Rig Happy Hours, Webinars, etc.


Did You Know

Geothermal Resources in Washington State 
Enabling Washington's Clean Energy Future
Geothermal Favorability Model of Washington State



We look forward to you Joining us 
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Got something to share? Contact us here
RIG Champions: Ed Butler, Patrick Hansen