Tuesday, May 13
7:30 AM – 9:00 AM | Networking Breakfast: What to Expect and Special Keynote Speaker
Kick-off the Geothermal Capitol Hill Day preparing for a busy day of meetings with a fresh start to your morning: grab a cup of coffee, your favorite breakfast item and meet your fellow Geothermal enthusiasts!
Hear about the latest legislative and policy activity impacting the geothermal community, discuss key talking points; and, review Hill Day details.
9:30 AM – 5:00 PM | Hill Appointments (House-Focused) *
5:30 PM -7:00 PM | Networking Reception (Location Forthcoming)
Wednesday, May 14
8:00 AM – 8:45 AM | Networking Breakfast
Prepare for another busy day of meetings with a fresh start to your morning: grab a cup of coffee, your favorite breakfast item and chat with your fellow Geothermal enthusiasts!
8:45 AM – 9:30 AM | What to Expect? Preparing for a Day on Capitol Hill Part II
Start day two with a wrap up of Tuesday’s meetings. Did we identify new champions? Are there follow-up communications to be sent? Additional questions to answer? We will also discuss lessons learned and final review of the industry talking points and key policy issues.
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM| Hill Appointments (Senate - Focused) *
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM | Geothermal Capitol Hill Day Policy Reception (Location Forthcoming)
Join Hill Day participants at our closing reception. The fun, relaxed environment provides another opportunity for you to share updates regarding your appointments and connect with colleagues!
*Although we will make every effort to schedule all House Meetings on Tuesday and Senate Meetings on Wednesday, it is our top priority to meet with as many offices as possible while we are in DC. Delegate groups may be broken down into smaller groups if needed to accommodate Congressional scheduling requests and availability.
Participants should expect to meet with 7-12 offices over the 2-day event. Groups will include up to 5-7 people.\