Media Kit

Thank you for your interest in Geothermal Rising. Here you will find information for covering major events, our membership, and proper implementation of the Geothermal Rising brand. If you need assistance or additional information, please use our Contact Us form to get in touch.
The Geysers Geothermal Complex in California is the largest geothermal installation in the world.


We are extremely proud of the new Geothermal Rising brand and in the interest of ensuring its longevity and overall impact, have put together brand guidelines to ensure that it is able to accurately and consistently represent our organization - whether in our own work or when feature in other publications or events.

Below you will find information on logo usage, access to file downloads for photos, and information on how to use the Geothermal Rising brand in your own representations. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions and we encourage you to download our fully designed brand guide using the link below.

Download Geothermal Rising Brand Guide

Logo Usage

Our logo represents a cross section of the earth, with heat radiating outwards from the core to meet the landscape above. It represents not only the way that heat
rises up from within the earth, but the upward momentum of the geothermal industry.

Logo Lockups

It’s essential to choose the correct version of the logo for different applications based on the size and shape of the space the logo will occupy.

The primary logo lockup is the horizontal version (A). It may be used with or without the tagline. The stacked version (B) may be used if the space the logo will occupy is more vertically oriented, and should always include the tagline. The Conference logo (C) should only be used within the context of the Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC). The logo icon (D) may be used on its own only when the space it will occupy is too small for the other versions to fit, or as a decorative visual element.

New Logo GR Tag line
NEW Logo Stacked

 Minimum Widths

  • Version A (no tagline): 2 inches (144px at 72ppi)
  • Version A (tagline): 2 inches (144px at 72ppi)
  • Version B: 1.75 inches (126px at 72ppi)
  • Version C: 1.75 inches (126px at 72ppi)
  • Version D: 0.2 inches (15px at 72ppi)

Logo Color

Choose a dark or light version of the logo based on the color of the background against which it will be placed, ensuring that there is always enough contrast for the logo to be legible.

The black and white versions of the logo should be used only in applications where color is not supported or where the contrast of the full color logo will be too low.

Logo Clearance

A minimum amount of clearance must surround the logo in all applications to ensure that it is legible. This also ensures that the logo remains distinct from surrounding objects such as photography, text, or other graphic elements that may detract from it. The minimum required clear space is equal to the width of the letter 'L' within the logo.


Select crisp, high-saturation images that convey a grand sense of scale and evoke a feeling of awe in the viewer. Images should feature a diverse range of landscapes from across the globe, including urban environments. Nighttime images are encouraged, as they emphasize that geothermal energy is always on. Always select free, public domain images such as those available on Unsplash and Pexels.

Press Representation

Geothermal Rising is always proud to represent the interests of our members and the geothermal industry in the press. For interview requests and comments, please reach out to Vanessa Robertson.


Geothermal Rising is a tax-exempt, non-profit, educational association 501(c)(3) that also has a 501(c)(4) arm for policy and outreach activities. Geothermal Rising actively seeks to expand its role as a primary professional educational and outreach association for the geothermal community in the United States and serves as a focal point for continuing professional development for its members through its outreach, information transfer and education services.

Social Media

Geothermal Rising is active on most major social media channels and while links to our major channels can be found in the footer of this website, please see below for more links to our social media channels: