Hawaii Regional Interest Group (RIG)

The Geysers Geothermal Complex in California is the largest geothermal installation in the world.

Aloha Hawaii RIG!

Next week on Thursday, July 11, 2024 at noon HST we will be holding our first RIG meeting, in a virtual forum. Nicole, Peter, and I will introduce ourselves, share our vision for the RIG, and announce some upcoming events and opportunities for you - our members - to contribute. We’ll also have a representative from Geothermal Rising HQ and a brief QA session. If you are interested in joining us please send Nicole Lautze a request. 

The key topics:

  • Organizing focus groups around key short-term initiatives, such as public outreach/education, legislative/regulatory changes, and potential for shallow geothermal cooling applications
  • Setting dates for our first in-person events in Honolulu and Hilo in late August / early September
  • Looking forward to the October conference in Waikoloa

Thanks again for being a part of this group and I hope to see you there!

Keil Anderson

Interested in Joining our RIG? Contact our RIG Champions:

Nicole LautzeKeil Anderson or Peter Sternlicht

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Welcome to the Hawaii RIG

June 24, 2024 Champion Newsletter

May 3, 2024 Champion Newsletter